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from Steve Higginbotham

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Newsweek Or Newsweak?
by Steve Higginbotham
December 9, 2008
In the latest issue of Newsweek magazine, an attempt is made to justify homosexual marriage by using the Bible, itself.  One of the arguments employed in defense of homosexual marriage was that Jesus reached out to everybody, especially those on the margins of society.  If he were here today, he would reach out to the homosexual community as well.

Frankly, I agree with their premise.  It is true.  Jesus did indeed reach out to everybody, especially those on the margins of society.  And I agree that if Jesus were here today, he would reach out to the homosexual community.  However, the conclusion they seek doesn't follow from the premise.

There is one word that is missing, and that word is “repentance.”  Reaching out to all men does not equal endorsement of the sins in which they are engaged.  Remember, Jesus reached out to the adulterous woman, but told her to “go sin no more.” (John 8:11).

Apparently the inclusivists and pluralists of our society have decided to simply eradicate sin through legalization and normalization of that which is illegal and abnormal.  Remember, God knows the difference between good and evil, even if we don’t (Isaiah 5:20).

For a more detailed look at this Newsweek article, you may visit my personal website and blog at

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